Award Schemes For University Staff 2010


The Association of Commonwealth Universities - ACU Titular Fellowships provide opportunities for nominees of member universities to spend periods of time in other member universities or relevant institutions outside their own country. Fellows can come from inside or outside the university sector. The Association wishes especially to encourage the movement of staff in both directions between industry / commerce / public service and the universities with a view to forging reciprocally beneficial links.

The purpose of the awards is to enable the universities of the Commonwealth, working together through their Association, to develop the human resources of their institutions and countries, and to do so through the interchange of people, knowledge, skills and technologies.

Titular Fellowships are open generally to the academic and administrative staff, or the nominees, of universities in membership of ACU or of Commonwealth inter-university organizations. Preference will be given to workers in the following priority subject areas: agriculture, forestry and food sciences, biotechnology, development strategies, earth and marine sciences, engineering, health and related social sciences, information technology, management for change, professional education and training, social and cultural development and university development and management.

Details of Awards Associated with ACU TITULAR FELLOWSHIPS 2010 / 11

1- University of Wales Swansea Fulton Fellowship -

tenable at the University of Wales Swansea. Awarded for any of the priority subjects listed above.

2- The Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales Fellowship -

at least one Fellowship open either to professionally qualified accountants or to established members of university faculties or related fields. Tenable at a Commonwealth university which either provides courses approved by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, or provides courses in, or closely allied to, business education. Section A of the nomination form may be completed either by the head of the candidate’s firm/company, or by the Executive Head of the proposed host university.

3- Wighton Titular Fellowship in Engineering -

open to full-time staff, academic or technical, of engineering departments in any of the developing country universities in membership of the ACU. Intended especially for the enhancement of laboratory teaching capacity.

4- The University of Manitoba Fellowship -

tenable at the University of Manitoba. Awarded for any of the priority subject areas listed above.

5- The George Weston Limited, Canada, Fellowship -

in agriculture, forestry, and food science/ food technology.

6- The University of Oxford Fellowship -

tenable at the University of Oxford. Awarded in any of the priority subject areas listed above.

7- The Jacky McAleer Memorial Fellowship -

in memory of Jacky McAleer, a former member of staff of the ACU, and in recognition of her long and outstanding service to the ACU. Awarded in the field of information technology, with priority given to the computerisation of record systems or computerassisted learning.

8- The Gordon and Jean Southam Fellowship -

open to nominees of any of the Canadian universities in the membership of the ACU. Awarded for any of the priority subject areas listed above.

Eligibility for ACU TITULAR FELLOWSHIPS 2010/11

1- Nominees when applying must be on the staff of, or a nominee of, a university in membership of ACU or of a Commonwealth inter-university organisation; or

2- Nominees when applying must be working in industry, commerce or public service in a Commonwealth country

3- Nominees when applying must be of proven high ability


To enable the universities of the Commonwealth to develop the human resources of their institutions and countries through the interchange of people, knowledge, skills and technologies.

Nominations for ACU TITULAR FELLOWSHIPS 2010/11

Applications will be considered ONLY if the applicant is nominated by the executive head (vice-chancellor, president or rector) of a university in ACU membership. The ACU will also consider nominations by the chief executive officer of a Commonwealth inter-university organisation.


Up to £5,000 according to the actual programme, and intended to cover international return air fare; in-country ground travel; medical insurance; board and lodging; fees.

How to Apply for ACU TITULAR FELLOWSHIPS 2010/11

Download Application form for ACU Titular Fellowships 2010/11 from here or from ACU website. Applications should be forwarded by the Executive Head of an ACU member university or interuniversity organisation so as to reach the Association of Commonwealth Universities not later than 30 April 2010.

Candidates are allowed to submit their applications electronically in the first instance, to meet the submission deadline. Electronic applications must be converted to PDF format, and then emailed to Electronic applications must contain scanned copies of relevant signatures and the hard copy versions must follow in the post.

Applications should be addressed to:
Patrice Ajai-Ajagbe,
Human Capacity Development,
The Association of Commonwealth Universities,
Woburn House,
20-24 Tavistock Square,
London WC1H 9HF,
United Kingdom

The provisional closing date for 2010 applications is 30 April 2010

Keywords : Wighton Titular Fellowship in Engineering; University Staff Award; University of Wales Swansea Fulton Fellowship; The Association of Commonwealth Universities Titular Fellowships 2010/11; Awards for University Staff; ACU Titular Fellowships 2010 / 11; The Gordon and Jean Southam Fellowship; The Jacky McAleer Memorial Fellowship; The University of Oxford Fellowship; The George Weston Limited, Canada, Fellowship